09:00-10:20 Conference Opening:
Keynote speaker Prof.Dr.Bernhard Steffen
10:20-10:40 Coffee Break
- 10:40 Introduction (slides) Isabelle Perseil - Telecom-ParisTech (France)
- 10:50 Keynote Speaker (slides) Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Session 1 : Verification
- 11:20 "Verification of Replication Architectures in AADL" (slides)
Dionisio de Niz and Peter H. Feiler - 11:40 "UML Modeling and Formal Verification of control/data driven Embedded" (slides)
Fateh Boutekkouk and Mohamed Benmohammed
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
Session 2 : Execution, Implementation, Simulation
- 13:30 "Modeling the Implementation of State-Based System Architectures" (slides)
Peter H.Feiler - 13:50 "Executing AADL models with UML/Marte" (slides)
Frédéric Mallet, Charles André, Julien DeAntoni - 14:10 "Automating the generation of platform specific models" (slides)
W. El Hajj Chehade, A. Radermacher, A. Cuccuru, S. Gérard and F. Terrier - 14:40 "AADL Simulation and Performance Analysis in SystemC" (slides)
Roberto Varona-Gomez, Eugenio Villar
15:10-15:30 Coffee Break
Session 3: Comparisons
- 15:30 "A comparative study of FIACRE and TASM to define AADL real time
concepts" (slides) Lei Pi, Zhibin Yang, J-P Bodeveix, M.Filali, Kai Hu, Dianfu Ma - 15:50 "Common Pitfalls of Using QVT Relations - Graphical Debugging as Remedy" (slides)
Angelika Kusel, Wieland Swinger, Manuel Wimmer, Werner Retschitzegger - 16:10 "Visual Comparison of Graphical Models" (slides)
Arne Schipper, Hauke-Fuhrmann, Reinhard von Hanxleden
Session 4 : Model-based Methodologies
- 16:30 "Constraint management for engineering of DRE systems" (slides)
Marie-Noelle Terrasse, Marinette Savonnet, Eric Leclercq, Pierre Naubourg, Valery Lopes, Arnaud Da Costa, and Thierry Grison - 16:50 "Integrating AADL within a multi-domain modeling framework" (slides)
Ivano Malavolta, Henry Muccini, and Patrizio Pelliccione - 17:10 "Towards a Model-Driven Approach for Mapping Requirements on AADL
Architecture" (slides)
Mathieu Delehaye, Christophe Ponsard - 17:30 "An Emerging Need for a New Software Engineering Method" (slides)
Isabelle Perseil, Laurent Pautet
17:50 Panel
Scheduling analysis from different levels of modeling
Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Peter Feiler (Carnegie Mellon, USA)
Frederic Mallet (INRIA, France)